Mumbo Jumbo 3.0

In the jungles of Lake City, the night echos with the natives’ Mumbo Jumbo

RIP Phil McCombs 2008/07/27

Filed under: Philosophical Flimflam — pablomagnifico @ 5:39 pm

The time I was closest to my brother Phil was when he was home from grad school looking for work, I was not old enough to drive yet, and he would hang out with me and sister Kriste. We would watch TV, Pee Wee’s Playhouse and Days of Our Lives were some of our Favorites. We would go bargain shopping at the Nordstrom Rack, and no one could get a better bargain than Phil.

One memorable episode of Peewee’s Playhouse involved generating secret names by adding “-o” to the end of your name. So Phil-o, Kriste-o, and Paul-o we were. Paul-o evolved into Pablo shortly there after and became my computer login name when I started computer science courses at UW.

My heart goes out to Phil’s wife and six [ed: it seems I’m not thinking clearly, he has five kids] kids. I know they’ll miss him way more than me, and that will be a whole lot.

Phil McCombs


6 Responses to “RIP Phil McCombs”

  1. aly Says:

    I’m very sorry, Paul. 😦

  2. Kelly Says:

    😥 I’m so sorry. 😦

  3. heather Says:

    I am very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine losing a husband and having six children to take care of on your own. My heart goes out to them as well.

  4. bitterkat Says:

    😦 That is a sweet memory you’ll always have of him.

  5. Adam Says:

    Paul, I’m so sorry.

  6. :-jon Says:


    you and your family are in our prayers

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